Board of Directors

Janet Morton, President

Jan joined the Board as Founding President in 2013.  She brings to the role more than 40 years of experience in adult education, community and organizational development.  She has a particular passion for the difference that affordable, secure housing can make for people and their sense of inclusion and opportunity in the community.  She is actively involved in the implementation of the region’s first poverty reduction plan as well as the promotion of sustainable, community-centred primary health care delivery models.

Patricia Marshall Thompson,
Vice President

Patricia joined the Board in 2013, initially serving as Vice President and has been Chair of the Property Management Committee since 2015.  She brings to the role both career and volunteer experience in youth and adult education, recreation and safety programs, community organizations, and project development.  She is committed to helping people achieve stability and community connection through the provision of safe, suitable and affordable housing.

Joanne Richards, Director

Joining the Board in 2020, Joanne brings to the role many years’ experience working with the public library system, both as a volunteer director and in a staff position coordinating regional library services.  Combining these roles with an earlier career as a chemist, Joanne has a good appreciation for a systems-based approach to organizational development as well as a deep concern about ensuring the availability of safe and affordable housing for everyone.

Donna Dean, Director

Donna is a founding member of the Board, initially serving as Vice President in 2013, and now a Director. She is the Manager of Planning and Development at the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and is a registered professional planner and professional agrologist. She is supportive of affordable housing and other initiatives that result in collaboration between the Lower Columbia communities.

Colleen Hakkola, Treasurer

Colleen joined in Board in the fall of 2022, preparing to take on the role of Treasurer.  She brings to the Board extensive experience in office, human resource, and financial administration roles in a variety of business settings, including her own sole proprietorship.  She has a passion for outdoor sports and, having a commitment to community, has dedicated many hours of volunteer time with sports and other community organizations.  Colleen has lived in the region with her partner and sons for more than a decade, having moved here from Alberta. 


Mark Miller, Director

Mark is a 25-year Rossland resident with a passion for human rights and the environment. He is a Red Seal Journeyman Carpenter of 25 years, a former contractor and CMAW Local 2300 Carpenter’s Union Business Agent. Mark sits on the Selkirk College Carpentry Apprenticeship Advisory Board, the CMAW Provincial Executive Board and several associated committees. Mark joined the Board in 2021. He hopes his familiarity with Non-Profit organizations, blueprint reading, building codes and contract language can be of some use to the LCAHS Board.

Emily MacKinnon, Director

Emily joined the Board in 2021. She brings her legal background to the role, as well as nearly a decade of volunteer experience providing services for persons with disabilities and engaging in advocacy for several marginalized groups. Emily has deep roots in the Kootenays and is passionate about creating a more accessible community for all.

Ingrid Hope, Secretary

Ingrid joined the LCAHS Board in 2023, taking on the role of Secretary.  As the owner of a printing business, Ingrid is in the process of transitioning ownership of the business to her son as she moves into retirement.  She lives in the Village of Fruitvale with her husband where they raised their three now adult children.  Active in a variety of community organizations, Ingrid brings a rich knowledge of the community and region, including a strong interest in the role affordable housing plays in sustaining and development the community and economy. 

Natalie Moores, Director

Natalie joined the Board in the spring of 2022.  She brings to the role formal education and experience both in developing technology solutions and building technology.  In her professional life, she works remotely as a Business Analyst and Product Manager for Public Services and Procurement Canada in which she facilitates technology solutions involving multiple departments and government initiatives.  Having spent her early years growing up in Rossland, Natalie and her partner returned to the region several years ago and she is keen to use her skills to make a difference in the community.